bezpilotné lietadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: bezpilotné lietadlo
prápor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: prápor
psychopat (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: psychopat
agresia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: agresia
Bucha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Bucha
Sako (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Sako
policajný štát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: policajný štát
inflácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: inflácia
Goga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Goga
zradca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: zradca
Južné Osetsko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Južné Osetsko
nádobka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: nádobka
vôdor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vôdor
dobrovoľník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: dobrovoľník
ostreľovač (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: ostreľovač
Fico (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Fico
infraštruktúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: infraštruktúra
votrelec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: votrelec
úbor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: úbor
ozbrojené sily (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: ozbrojené sily
sliedič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: sliedič
sliedič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: sliedič
veliteľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: veliteľ
vodcovstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vodcovstvo
pechota (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: pechota
zbraň hromadného ničenia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: zbraň hromadného ničenia
náskok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: náskok
masový hrob (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: masový hrob
okupácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: okupácia
balistická raketa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: balistická raketa
Ženevská konvencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Ženevská konvencia
genocída (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: genocída
dôstojník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: dôstojník
provokácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: provokácia
mínové pole (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: mínové pole
brokovnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: brokovnica
sloboda slova (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: sloboda slova
kacírstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kacírstvo
heréza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: heréza
Slota (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Slota
štatárium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: štatárium
jadrová zbraň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: jadrová zbraň
atómová zbraň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: atómová zbraň
vojnový zločinec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vojnový zločinec
palubný lístok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: palubný lístok
pravá ruka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: pravá ruka
légia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: légia
elektráreň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: elektráreň
tégeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: tégeľ
korupcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: korupcia
spotrebiteľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: spotrebiteľ
Schranz (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Schranz
Barkus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Barkus
vládca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vládca
revolúcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: revolúcia
pinka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: pinka
rusofóbia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: rusofóbia
mučiteľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: mučiteľ
vlastenectvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vlastenectvo
Ódor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Ódor
guľomet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: guľomet
aktívum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: aktívum
pohraničník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: pohraničník
tehelňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: tehelňa
tabuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: tabuľa
Ohman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Ohman
biatlonista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: biatlonista
Baďura (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Baďura
Trnka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Trnka
svetlomet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: svetlomet
brekyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: brekyňa
Matis (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Matis
Galis (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Galis
alkín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: alkín
konverzácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: konverzácia
konzervácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: konzervácia
konjugácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: konjugácia
anihilácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: anihilácia
enunciácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: enunciácia
koordinácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: koordinácia
kvotácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kvotácia
chôdza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: chôdza
ľavica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: ľavica
mačička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: mačička
Mikes (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Mikes
menštruácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: menštruácia
ovulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: ovulácia
kométa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kométa
interrupcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: interrupcia
Mihok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Mihok
elektroterapia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: elektroterapia
eliminácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: eliminácia
emigrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: emigrácia
enkláva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: enkláva
prezervatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: prezervatív
entuziazmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: entuziazmus
enzým (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: enzým
erupcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: erupcia
eskalácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: eskalácia
esplanáda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: esplanáda
estrogén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: estrogén
etnocentrizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: etnocentrizmus
evolúcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: evolúcia
exorcizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: exorcizmus
euroskepticizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: euroskepticizmus
extrémizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: extrémizmus
extradícia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: extradícia
falzifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: falzifikácia
fascinácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fascinácia
feminizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: feminizácia
fantóm (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fantóm
federalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: federalizácia
fermentácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fermentácia
fenológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fenológia
finalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: finalizácia
fonológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fonológia
fluoridácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fluoridácia
fosilizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fosilizácia
fosgén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fosgén
frustrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: frustrácia
Kunda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Kunda
Lacko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Lacko
Fedorko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Fedorko
kosínus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kosínus
zlosyn (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: zlosyn
Ripka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Ripka
rôsol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: rôsol
sviniar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: sviniar
Veselka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Veselka
hrada (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: hrada
vizualizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vizualizácia
konvokácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: konvokácia
Szabados (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Szabados
bravčovina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: bravčovina
pagáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: pagáč
palička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: palička
stržeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: stržeň
prednáška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: prednáška
fatamorgána (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fatamorgána
hadica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: hadica
poniklec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: poniklec
hospodárstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: hospodárstvo
poriadok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: poriadok
zostava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: zostava
kliatba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kliatba
fígeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fígeľ
dôvtip (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: dôvtip
Liška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Liška
Havran (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Havran
Havlíček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Havlíček
Koska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Koska
Sedlák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Sedlák
konzulka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: konzulka
fyziológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fyziológia
fyzioterapia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: fyzioterapia
galvanizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: galvanizácia
galeóna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: galeóna
gastrológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gastrológia
generácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: generácia
genóm (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: genóm
generalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: generalizácia
gastronómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gastronómia
afixoid (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: afixoid
Banská Bystrica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Banská Bystrica
Poprad (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Poprad
Humenné (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Humenné
kirgizština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kirgizština
kazaština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kazaština
dratva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: dratva
správca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: správca
pútnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: pútnik
vlhkomer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vlhkomer
regenerácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: regenerácia
zosilňovač (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: zosilňovač
nugát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: nugát
ľuft (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: ľuft
chobotnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: chobotnica
osmonoh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: osmonoh
ústrk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: ústrk
interakcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: interakcia
gravitácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gravitácia
imigrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: imigrácia
sadovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: sadovník
germanizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: germanizácia
gestácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gestácia
glaciológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: glaciológia
gilotína (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gilotína
gestikulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gestikulácia
rezervácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: rezervácia
sochárstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: sochárstvo
Cypris (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Cypris
kryha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kryha
dojnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: dojnica
sadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: sadlo
veľblúd (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: veľblúd
vyžla (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: vyžla
neonacizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: neonacizmus
Koman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Koman
globalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: globalizácia
glorifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: glorifikácia
graféma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: graféma
gnómon (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gnómon
gradácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gradácia
gramofón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gramofón
gubernátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gubernátor
gudrón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gudrón
gynekológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gynekológia
gvardián (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: gvardián
halucinogén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: halucinogén
hákovnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: hákovnica
háv (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: háv
Nemes (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Nemes
korčuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: korčuľa
Noska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Noska
holubník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: holubník
holubníček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: holubníček
soboľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: soboľ
hrebeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: hrebeň
cieva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: cieva
väznica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: väznica
diaľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: diaľka
kazajka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kazajka
macedónčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: macedónčina
zástera (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: zástera
Nosáľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Nosáľ
trojhláska (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: trojhláska
blana (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: blana
kôlňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: kôlňa
Juran (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Juran
Minka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Minka
Ficová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for locative Path: Ficová
hamper (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hamper
time (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: time
sol (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sol
not (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: not
al (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: al
swear (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: swear
fil (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: fil
mark (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: mark
udder (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: udder
dal (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: dal
lever (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: lever
mule (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: mule
mane (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: mane
stol (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: stol
-ing (Old Swedish suffix) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: -ing
puke (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: puke
aghi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: aghi
alder (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: alder
ganger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ganger
ringer (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ringer
maki (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: maki
bani (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bani
sten (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sten
elder (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: elder
-are (Old Swedish suffix) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: -are
ember (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ember
lax (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: lax
ande (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ande
leon (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: leon
bur (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bur
guþ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: guþ
ælf (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ælf
hval (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hval
foli (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: foli
nal (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: nal
hari (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hari
hamar (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hamar
oster (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: oster
franker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: franker
sak (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sak
fors (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: fors
posi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: posi
brander (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: brander
maghi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: maghi
haki (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: haki
hunder (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hunder
asker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: asker
aker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: aker
iute (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: iute
nakke (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: nakke
præster (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: præster
fisker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: fisker
lægger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: lægger
krabbe (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: krabbe
arve (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: arve
blome (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: blome
ramn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ramn
sven (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sven
-ari (Old Swedish suffix) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: -ari
romaner (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: romaner
granne (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: granne
munder (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: munder
farande (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: farande
muld (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: muld
rakke (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: rakke
kropper (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: kropper
kniver (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: kniver
storker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: storker
kalver (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: kalver
bokstaver (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bokstaver
rygger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: rygger
staver (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: staver
biskoper (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: biskoper
ulver (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ulver
flokker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: flokker
løghardagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: løghardagher
svamper (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: svamper
biur (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: biur
kroker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: kroker
iorþ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: iorþ
bukker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bukker
hæster (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hæster
løker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: løker
eþer (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: eþer
stokker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: stokker
hiælmber (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hiælmber
buker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: buker
dagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: dagher
dværgher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: dværgher
fughl (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: fughl
garþer (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: garþer
høker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: høker
hiorter (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hiorter
hvælper (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hvælper
kamber (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: kamber
krapter (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: krapter
kulder (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: kulder
magher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: magher
skogher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: skogher
stiærter (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: stiærter
stormber (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: stormber
sværmber (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sværmber
tømber (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: tømber
ughn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ughn
vaghn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: vaghn
vargher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: vargher
axl (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: axl
hiorþ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hiorþ
kværn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: kværn
leþ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: leþ
løgh (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: løgh
sagh (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sagh
bughi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bughi
drupi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: drupi
galghe (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: galghe
haghi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: haghi
maþker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: maþker
niure (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: niure
slæþi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: slæþi
staki (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: staki
þumi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: þumi
høgher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: høgher
aptan (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: aptan
bulster (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bulster
fiætur (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: fiætur
galder (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: galder
þiur (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: þiur
drykker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: drykker
drænger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: drænger
lækir (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: lækir
ælgher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ælgher
bækker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bækker
bælgher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bælgher
bænker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: bænker
lænker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: lænker
strænger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: strænger
særker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: særker
værker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: værker
nampne (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: nampne
sarazin (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sarazin
hingist (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: hingist
krymplinger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: krymplinger
gø̄ker (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: gø̄ker
keysar (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: keysar
otharf (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: otharf
Miklagarþ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: Miklagarþ
Reconstruction:Old Swedish/Miklagarþ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: Reconstruction:Old Swedish/Miklagarþ
swiar (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: swiar
konunger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: konunger
fiænde (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: fiænde
øxa (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: øxa
pilagrimber (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: pilagrimber
Reconstruction:Old Swedish/Køpmanhafn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: Reconstruction:Old Swedish/Køpmanhafn
afganger (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: afganger
ᛆᚠᚵᛆᚿᚵᚽᚱ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ᛆᚠᚵᛆᚿᚵᚽᚱ
ᛆᛋᚴᚽᚱ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ᛆᛋᚴᚽᚱ
Manadagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: Manadagher
manadagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: manadagher
sunnodagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: sunnodagher
ᚽᛚᚦᚽᚱ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ᚽᛚᚦᚽᚱ
iordh (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: iordh
vagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: vagher
meneþer (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: meneþer
þra (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: þra
drotin (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: drotin
skaþi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: skaþi
iarl (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: iarl
søþer (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: søþer
ludher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ludher
saþul (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: saþul
-inger (Old Swedish suffix) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: -inger
ᚴᚮᚿᚢᚿᚵᚽᚱ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ᚴᚮᚿᚢᚿᚵᚽᚱ
høfþinge (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: høfþinge
Reconstruction:Old Swedish/væringer (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: Reconstruction:Old Swedish/væringer
øþer (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: øþer
tisdagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: tisdagher
oþinsdagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: oþinsdagher
þorsdagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: þorsdagher
freadagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: freadagher
þæghn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: þæghn
þiæghn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: þiæghn
-domber (Old Swedish suffix) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: -domber
domber (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: domber
væriare (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: væriare
gardagher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: gardagher
dæn (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: dæn
ødhemark (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: ødhemark
karilʀ (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: karilʀ
diævul (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: diævul
vægher (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: vægher
vaþvi (Old Swedish noun) inflection table: empty tags for masculine Path: vaþvi
n (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: n
n (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: n
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: etorri
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
joan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: joan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for n Path: izan
Afrim (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for male forms Path: Afrim
Afrimi (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for male forms Path: Afrimi
Afrime (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for male forms Path: Afrime
Afrimja (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for male forms Path: Afrimja
satént (Mohawk noun) inflection table: empty tags for matént Path: satént
raotént (Mohawk noun) inflection table: empty tags for matént Path: raotént
akotént (Mohawk noun) inflection table: empty tags for matént Path: akotént
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala Path: luhať
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala Path: luhať
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala by Path: luhať
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala by Path: luhať
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala si Path: luhať
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala si Path: luhať
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala som Path: luhať
luhať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for luhala som Path: luhať
لازم داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for lâzem dâšt Path: لازم داشتن
لازم داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for lâzem dâšt Path: لازم داشتن
لازم داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for lâzem dâštan Path: لازم داشتن
لازم داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for lâzem dâštan Path: لازم داشتن
لازم داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for lâzem dâšte Path: لازم داشتن
لازم داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for lâzem dâšte Path: لازم داشتن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun bud Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun bud Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun budán Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun budán Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun búdim Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun búdim Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnunim Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnunim Path: ممنون بودن
میل داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meyl dâšt Path: میل داشتن
میل داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meyl dâšt Path: میل داشتن
میل داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meyl dâštan Path: میل داشتن
میل داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meyl dâštan Path: میل داشتن
میل داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meyl dâšte Path: میل داشتن
میل داشتن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meyl dâšte Path: میل داشتن
mimby (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mimbysaba Path: mimby
mimby (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimbysaba Path: mimby
mimby (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mimbŷaba Path: mimby
mimby (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimbŷaba Path: mimby
bebé (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mobebé Path: bebé
bebé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mobebé Path: bebé
berab (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moberab Path: berab
berab (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moberab Path: berab
pererek (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momererek Path: pererek
pererek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for momererek Path: pererek
tuîuk (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for monduîuk Path: tuîuk
tuîuk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for monduîuk Path: tuîuk
karu (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mongaru Path: karu
karu (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mongaru Path: karu
kyr (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mongyr Path: kyr
kyr (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mongyr Path: kyr
nhe'eng (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for monhe'eng Path: nhe'eng
nhe'eng (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for monhe'eng Path: nhe'eng
ting (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moting Path: ting
ting (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moting Path: ting
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker bud Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker bud Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker budán Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker budán Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker búdim Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker búdim Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakkerim Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakkerim Path: متشکر بودن
ypy (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moypy Path: ypy
ypy (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moypy Path: ypy
é (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moé Path: é
é (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moé Path: é
logön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for logön Path: logön
loviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lovila Path: loviť
loviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lovila by Path: loviť
loviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lovila si Path: loviť
loviť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lovila som Path: loviť
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for luke Path: izan
izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for lukete Path: izan
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala Path: lámať
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala by Path: lámať
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala by sa Path: lámať
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala sa Path: lámať
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala si Path: lámať
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala si sa Path: lámať
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala som Path: lámať
lámať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for lámala som sa Path: lámať
لاغر (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for lâğar Path: لاغر
löfön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for löfön Path: löfön
mm (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for m-m Path: mm
Badb (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBadb Path: Badb
Banba (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBanba Path: Banba
Beccán (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBeccán Path: Beccán
Beltaine (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBeltaine Path: Beltaine
Berbae (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBerbae Path: Berbae
Bethel (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBethel Path: Bethel
Boand (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBoand Path: Boand
Boidmal (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBoidmal Path: Boidmal
Brangen (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBrangen Path: Brangen
Bretain (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBretain Path: Bretain
Bretan (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBretan Path: Bretan
Bretnas (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBretnas Path: Bretnas
Brigit (Old Irish proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for mBrigit Path: Brigit
معروف (Persian noun) inflection table: empty tags for ma'ruf Path: معروف
magnetizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for magnetizovala Path: magnetizovať
magnetizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for magnetizovala by Path: magnetizovať
magnetizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for magnetizovala si Path: magnetizovať
magnetizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for magnetizovala som Path: magnetizovať
محبوب (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mahbub Path: محبوب
mať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mala Path: mať
mať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mala by Path: mať
mať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mala si Path: mať
mať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mala som Path: mať
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun bud'án Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun bud'ím Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun bud'ín Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun budé-and Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun budé-id Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun budé-im Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun búdan Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun búdand Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun búdid Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun búdin Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnun bấšid Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnunan Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnunand Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnunid Path: ممنون بودن
ممنون بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for mamnunin Path: ممنون بودن
مردانه (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mardâné Path: مردانه
mari (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for marisaba Path: mari
mari (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for marîaba Path: mari
masturbovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for masturbovala Path: masturbovať
masturbovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for masturbovala by Path: masturbovať
masturbovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for masturbovala si Path: masturbovať
masturbovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for masturbovala som Path: masturbovať
matikön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for matikön Path: matikön
matön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for matön Path: matön
matükön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for matükön Path: matükön
mašírovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mašírovala Path: mašírovať
mašírovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mašírovala by Path: mašírovať
mašírovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mašírovala si Path: mašírovať
mašírovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mašírovala som Path: mašírovať
mba'e (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mba'esaba Path: mba'e
bachall (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbachall Path: bachall
bachlaig (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbachlaig Path: bachlaig
bad (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbad Path: bad
badb (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbadb Path: badb
baid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbaid Path: baid
baile (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbaile Path: baile
ball (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbaill Path: ball
bairgen (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbairgen Path: bairgen
baithis (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbaithis Path: baithis
balb (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbalb Path: balb
balba (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbalba Path: balba
ban (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mban Path: ban
ban- (Old Irish prefix) inflection table: empty tags for mban- Path: ban-
banb (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbanb Path: banb
bannae (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbannae Path: bannae
bannán (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbannán Path: bannán
banscál (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbanscál Path: banscál
bard (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbard Path: bard
bardu (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbardu Path: bardu
bas (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbas Path: bas
basa (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbasa Path: basa
bat (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbat Path: bat
batar (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbatar Path: batar
bec (Old Irish adverb) inflection table: empty tags for mbec Path: bec
beca (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbeca Path: beca
becc (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbecc Path: becc
becca (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbecca Path: becca
bech (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbech Path: bech
bed (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbed Path: bed
bedg (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbedg Path: bedg
bedgach (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbedgach Path: bedgach
beich (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbeich Path: beich
beid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeid Path: beid
beim (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbeim Path: beim
bein (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbein Path: bein
beires (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeires Path: beires
beirid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeirid Path: beirid
beirthe (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeirthe Path: beirthe
beit (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeit Path: beit
beith (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeith Path: beith
beithe (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeithe Path: beithe
beithir (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbeithir Path: beithir
bela (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbela Path: bela
bemmi (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbemmi Path: bemmi
ben (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mben Path: ben
benaid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbenaid Path: benaid
benair (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbenair Path: benair
benar (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbenar Path: benar
benas (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbenas Path: benas
benat (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbenat Path: benat
benir (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbenir Path: benir
benn (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbenn Path: benn
bennachaid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbennachaid Path: bennachaid
bendacht (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbennacht Path: bendacht
beo (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeo Path: beo
beoigidir (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeoigidir Path: beoigidir
beothu (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbeothu Path: beothu
ber (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mber Path: ber
bera (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbera Path: bera
berach (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mberach Path: berach
berair (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberair Path: berair
beram (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberam Path: beram
berar (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberar Path: berar
beres (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberes Path: beres
berid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberid Path: berid
berir (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberir Path: berir
bero (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbero Path: bero
berr (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberr Path: berr
berra (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mberra Path: berra
berraid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberraid Path: berraid
bert (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbert Path: bert
berte (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mberte Path: berte
bes (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbes Path: bes
beth (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeth Path: beth
betha (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbetha Path: betha
bethaid (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbethaid Path: bethaid
bethe (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbethe Path: bethe
bethid (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbethid Path: bethid
bethu (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbethu Path: bethu
betis (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbetis Path: betis
beu (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeu Path: beu
beuch (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbeuch Path: beuch
beus (Old Irish adverb) inflection table: empty tags for mbeus Path: beus
bia (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbia Path: bia
biada (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbiada Path: biada
bias (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbias Path: bias
bic (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbic Path: bic
bicce (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbicce Path: bicce
bice (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbice Path: bice
bid (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbid Path: bid
bidgach (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbidgach Path: bidgach
bie (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbie Path: bie
biit (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbiit Path: biit
bile (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbile Path: bile
bili (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbili Path: bili
bimmis (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbimmis Path: bimmis
bir (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbir Path: bir
birr (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbirr Path: birr
birre (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbirre Path: birre
biru (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbiru Path: biru
bith (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbith Path: bith
bith- (Old Irish prefix) inflection table: empty tags for mbith- Path: bith-
biu (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbiu Path: biu
biáil (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbiáil Path: biáil
bled (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbled Path: bled
bledmíl (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbledmíl Path: bledmíl
bláth (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbláth Path: bláth
bláthach (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbláthach Path: bláthach
blíadain (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mblíadain Path: blíadain
boc (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mboc Path: boc
bocht (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbocht Path: bocht
bodar (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbodar Path: bodar
boin (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mboin Path: boin
boinenn (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mboinenn Path: boinenn
bolad (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbolad Path: bolad
boladmar (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mboladmar Path: boladmar
bolg (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbolg Path: bolg
bona (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbona Path: bona
bongaid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbongaid Path: bongaid
bongid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbongid Path: bongid
borb (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mborb Path: borb
borba (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mborba Path: borba
boí (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mboí Path: boí
brain (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrain Path: brain
bran (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbran Path: bran
brao (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrao Path: brao
brathair (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrathair Path: brathair
bratt (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbratt Path: bratt
bratán (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbratán Path: bratán
brecc (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrecc Path: brecc
breg (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbreg Path: breg
breib (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbreib Path: breib
breithem (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbreithem Path: breithem
brithemnas (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbreithemnas Path: brithemnas
breth (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbreth Path: breth
bretha (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbretha Path: bretha
bretnas (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbretnas Path: bretnas
bricht (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbricht Path: bricht
brig (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrig Path: brig
bris (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbris Path: bris
brisid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbrisid Path: brisid
brisis (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbrisis Path: brisis
briste (Old Irish participle) inflection table: empty tags for mbriste Path: briste
brister (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbrister Path: brister
britach (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbritach Path: britach
brithem (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrithem Path: brithem
briugu (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbriugu Path: briugu
broin (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbroin Path: broin
broon (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbroon Path: broon
bruinne (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbruinne Path: bruinne
bruth (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbruth Path: bruth
bruthmar (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbruthmar Path: bruthmar
bruach (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbruäch Path: bruach
bráge (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbráge Path: bráge
bráithre (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbráithre Path: bráithre
bráth (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbráth Path: bráth
brátha (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrátha Path: brátha
bráthair (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbráthair Path: bráthair
bráthre (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbráthre Path: bráthre
bréc (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbréc Path: bréc
brécach (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbrécach Path: brécach
bréin (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbréin Path: bréin
brén (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbrén Path: brén
bréthir (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbréthir Path: bréthir
bréthre (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbréthre Path: bréthre
brí (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrí Path: brí
bríathar (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbríathar Path: bríathar
bríg (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbríg Path: bríg
bróc (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbróc Path: bróc
brón (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrón Path: brón
brónach (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbrónach Path: brónach
brú (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrú Path: brú
brúit (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbrúit Path: brúit
brúmar (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbrúmar Path: brúmar
buid (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbuid Path: buid
buiden (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbuiden Path: buiden
buidi (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbuidi Path: buidi
buidin (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbuidin Path: buidin
builg (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbuilg Path: builg
buinne (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbuinne Path: buinne
buirbe (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbuirbe Path: buirbe
buith (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbuith Path: buith
bullu (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbullu Path: bullu
bun (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbun Path: bun
burb (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mburb Path: burb
bán (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbán Path: bán
bána (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbána Path: bána
bánbiad (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbánbiad Path: bánbiad
báo (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbáo Path: báo
bárach (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbárach Path: bárach
bás (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbás Path: bás
bé (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbé Path: bé
béim (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbéim Path: béim
bél (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbél Path: bél
béla (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbéla Path: béla
bélib (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbélib Path: bélib
bélmar (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbélmar Path: bélmar
bélrae (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbélrae Path: bélrae
bélrai (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbélrai Path: bélrai
bélre (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbélre Path: bélre
béo (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbéo Path: béo
béoigidir (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbéoigidir Path: béoigidir
béra (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbéra Path: béra
bés (Old Irish adverb) inflection table: empty tags for mbés Path: bés
béss (Old Irish adverb) inflection table: empty tags for mbéss Path: béss
béssu (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbéssu Path: béssu
bí (Old Irish adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mbí Path: bí
bíad (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbíad Path: bíad
bíada (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbíada Path: bíada
bíid (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbíid Path: bíid
bíis (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbíis Path: bíis
bíit (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbíit Path: bíit
bís (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbís Path: bís
bíth (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbíth Path: bíth
bíthin (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbíthin Path: bíthin
bíthir (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbíthir Path: bíthir
biad (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbïad Path: biad
biat (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbïat Path: biat
bó (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbó Path: bó
bú (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbú Path: bú
búachaill (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbúachaill Path: búachaill
búaid (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbúaid Path: búaid
búain (Old Irish noun) inflection table: empty tags for mbúain Path: búain
búirithir (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for mbúirithir Path: búirithir
me'eng (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for me'engaba Path: me'eng
me'eng (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for me'engara Path: me'eng
me'eng (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for me'engukar Path: me'eng
ըլլալ (Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meaning part of the conjugation is filled by unrelated forms Path: ըլլալ
megvesz (Hungarian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meg is veszhet. Path: megvesz
megőriz (Hungarian verb) inflection table: empty tags for meg is őriz. Path: megőriz
mekön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for mekön Path: mekön
mj (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for mi-i-i Path: mj
aob (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for miaoba Path: aob
apar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for miapara Path: apar
apek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for miapeka Path: apek
milovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for milovala Path: milovať
milovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for milovala by Path: milovať
milovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for milovala si Path: milovať
milovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for milovala som Path: milovať
mimby (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimbysara Path: mimby
mimby (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimbyukar Path: mimby
mimby (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimbŷara Path: mimby
me'eng (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mime'enga Path: me'eng
petek (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimeteka Path: petek
moasy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimoasy Path: moasy
moatã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimoatã Path: moatã
moka'ẽ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimoka'ẽ Path: moka'ẽ
mondó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimondó Path: mondó
mongaru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimongaru Path: mongaru
poru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimoru Path: poru
potar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimotara Path: potar
py (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimy Path: py
pé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mimé Path: pé
so'o (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mindo'o Path: so'o
sub (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for minduba Path: sub
kutuk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mingutuka Path: kutuk
mipugön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for mipugön Path: mipugön
میرنده (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mirandé Path: میرنده
mirĩ (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mirĩsaba Path: mirĩ
tym (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mityma Path: tym
ypy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for miypy Path: ypy
îuká (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for miîuká Path: îuká
mm (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for mm Path: mm
mm (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for mm jrj Path: mm
mm (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for mm-i-r:y Path: mm
'am (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mo'am Path: 'am
'ar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mo'ar Path: 'ar
akub (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moakub Path: akub
apar (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moapar Path: apar
moasy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moasysaba Path: moasy
moasy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moasysara Path: moasy
moasy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moasyukar Path: moasy
moasy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moasŷaba Path: moasy
moasy (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moasŷara Path: moasy
atã (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moatã Path: atã
moatã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moatãana Path: moatã
moatã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moatãsaba Path: moatã
moatã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moatãsara Path: moatã
moatã (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moatãukar Path: moatã
bobok (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mobobok Path: bobok
mogolön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for mogolön Path: mogolön
gûapyk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mogûapyk Path: gûapyk
gûarinĩ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mogûarinĩ Path: gûarinĩ
gûatá (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mogûatá Path: gûatá
môcť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mohla Path: môcť
môcť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mohla by Path: môcť
môcť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mohla si Path: môcť
môcť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mohla som Path: môcť
مهاجم (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mohâjem Path: مهاجم
moka'ẽ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moka'ẽana Path: moka'ẽ
moka'ẽ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moka'ẽsaba Path: moka'ẽ
moka'ẽ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moka'ẽsara Path: moka'ẽ
moka'ẽ (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moka'ẽukar Path: moka'ẽ
mari (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momari Path: mari
mba'e (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momba'e Path: mba'e
peb (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momeb Path: peb
mimby (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momimby Path: mimby
mirĩ (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momirĩ Path: mirĩ
moroting (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momoroting Path: moroting
poru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for momoru Path: poru
poxy (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momoxy Path: poxy
puk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for momuk Path: puk
py (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momy Path: py
pytá (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for momytá Path: pytá
pûer (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for momûer Path: pûer
mondó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondoaba Path: mondó
mondó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondoara Path: mondó
mondó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondosaba Path: mondó
mondó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondosara Path: mondó
mondó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondoukar Path: mondó
sy (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mondy Path: sy
syk (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondyk Path: syk
sykyîé (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondykyîé Path: sykyîé
só (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mondó Path: só
nem (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for monem Path: nem
kab (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mongab Path: kab
karasy (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mongarasy Path: karasy
mongaru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mongarusaba Path: mongaru
mongaru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mongarusara Path: mongaru
mongaru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mongaruukar Path: mongaru
mongaru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mongarûaba Path: mongaru
mongaru (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mongarûara Path: mongaru
katu (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mongatu Path: katu
ker (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for monger Path: ker
kuruk (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for monguruk Path: kuruk
nhan (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for monhan Path: nhan
oby (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mooby Path: oby
pirang (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mopirang Path: pirang
piting (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mopiting Path: piting
porang (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moporang Path: porang
pytang (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mopytang Path: pytang
ram (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moram Path: ram
ran (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moran Path: ran
مرده (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mordé Path: مرده
moroting (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for morotingaba Path: moroting
sem (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for mosem Path: sem
ẖr (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for mostly before nouns Path: ẖr
tyb (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for motyb Path: tyb
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker bud'án Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker bud'ím Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker bud'ín Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker budé-and Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker budé-id Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker budé-im Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker búdan Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker búdand Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker búdid Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker búdin Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakker bấšid Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakkeran Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakkerand Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakkerid Path: متشکر بودن
متشکر بودن (Persian verb) inflection table: empty tags for motšakkerin Path: متشکر بودن
ugûy (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for mougûy Path: ugûy
موفق (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for movaffaq Path: موفق
îepotar (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for moîepotar Path: îepotar
îub (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moîub Path: îub
un (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for moún Path: un
močiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for močila Path: močiť
močiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for močila by Path: močiť
močiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for močila si Path: močiť
močiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for močila som Path: močiť
mumifikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mumifikovala Path: mumifikovať
mumifikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mumifikovala by Path: mumifikovať
mumifikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mumifikovala si Path: mumifikovať
mumifikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mumifikovala som Path: mumifikovať
musieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for musela Path: musieť
musieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for musela by Path: musieť
musieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for musela si Path: musieť
musieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for musela som Path: musieť
mučiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mučila Path: mučiť
mučiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mučila by Path: mučiť
mučiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mučila si Path: mučiť
mučiť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mučila som Path: mučiť
mut̯̓:al- (Southern Pomo verb) inflection table: empty tags for muṱ̓:aman Path: mut̯̓:al-
mut̯̓:al- (Southern Pomo verb) inflection table: empty tags for muṱ̓:amanc̓a Path: mut̯̓:al-
mut̯̓:al- (Southern Pomo verb) inflection table: empty tags for muṱ̓:anhi Path: mut̯̓:al-
mut̯̓:al- (Southern Pomo verb) inflection table: empty tags for muṱ̓:anhkʰe Path: mut̯̓:al-
mut̯̓:al- (Southern Pomo verb) inflection table: empty tags for muṱ̓:anyaw Path: mut̯̓:al-
mut̯̓:al- (Southern Pomo verb) inflection table: empty tags for muṱ̓anṱʰoṭ̓ Path: mut̯̓:al-
mj (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for my Path: mj
myslieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for myslela Path: myslieť
myslieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for myslela by Path: myslieť
myslieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for myslela si Path: myslieť
myslieť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for myslela som Path: myslieť
czôrny (Kashubian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for módri Path: czôrny
mĺzť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mĺzla Path: mĺzť
mĺzť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mĺzla by Path: mĺzť
mĺzť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mĺzla si Path: mĺzť
mĺzť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mĺzla som Path: mĺzť
mňaukať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mňaukala Path: mňaukať
mňaukať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mňaukala by Path: mňaukať
mňaukať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mňaukala si Path: mňaukať
mňaukať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for mňaukala som Path: mňaukať
məni (Azerbaijani noun) inflection table: empty tags for mənim (“my”) Path: məni
This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-17 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (ca09fec and c40eb85). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.